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Pump Factory In Uzbekistan

ChinaPumpFactory Pump Factory Uzbekistan

Title: List of Pump Factory and Pump Brands in Uzbekistan

Pump Factory from China Valued Web
Pump Factory from China Valued Web


Introduction: Pump Factory in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, located in Central Asia, is a landlocked country with a rich history and culture. It is known for its vast and diverse natural resources, which include natural gas, oil, and various minerals. The country has been making strides in the development of its industrial sector, with the pump industry playing a significant role in this progress. Pump manufacturers in Uzbekistan produce a wide range of pumps for various applications, including water supply, irrigation, oil and gas, and industrial processes. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive list of pump factories and pump brands in Uzbekistan, along with an overview of their products and services.

1. Uzbekistan Pump Industry Company (UPIC)

UPIC is one of the leading pump manufacturers in Uzbekistan, established in 1945. The company specializes in the production of centrifugal pumps, including horizontal and vertical pumps, as well as axial and mixed-flow pumps. UPIC also offers a variety of pump accessories, such as motors, gearboxes, and valves. The company's products are widely used in various industries, including agriculture, water supply, and industrial processes.

2. Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine (NMMK)

NMMK is a state-owned enterprise located in Navoi, Uzbekistan. The company, established in 1958, is involved in the mining and processing of copper, zinc, and lead ores. NMMK produces a range of pumps, including centrifugal pumps, for use in its mining and metallurgical operations. These pumps are designed to handle high-pressure and high-temperature fluids and are capable of delivering high flow rates.

3. Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Company

Uzbekneftegaz is a state-owned company responsible for the exploration, production, and processing of oil and natural gas in Uzbekistan. The company operates several pump manufacturing facilities that produce pumps for use in the oil and gas industry. These pumps include centrifugal pumps, reciprocating pumps, and rotary pumps, designed to handle various fluids and applications.

4. Tashkent Chemical Industry Plant (TCIP)

TCIP is a state-owned enterprise located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The company specializes in the production of chemical products, including fertilizers and pesticides. TCIP produces a range of pumps, including centrifugal pumps and diaphragm pumps, for use in its production processes. These pumps are designed to handle corrosive and abrasive fluids and are made from high-quality materials to ensure durability.

5. Bukhara Pump Plant

The Bukhara Pump Plant is a pump manufacturing facility located in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. The company produces a variety of pumps, including centrifugal pumps, for irrigation and water supply applications. These pumps are designed to handle large volumes of water and are suitable for use in agricultural and municipal water systems.

6. Samarkand Pump Plant

The Samarkand Pump Plant is a pump manufacturing facility located in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The company produces a range of pumps, including centrifugal pumps and rotary pumps, for use in various industries. These pumps are designed to handle high-pressure and high-temperature fluids and are made from high-quality materials to ensure durability.

7. Fergana Pump Plant

The Fergana Pump Plant is a pump manufacturing facility located in Fergana, Uzbekistan. The company produces a variety of pumps, including centrifugal pumps and rotary pumps, for irrigation and water supply applications. These pumps are designed to handle large volumes of water and are suitable for use in agricultural and municipal water systems.

8. Andijan Pump Plant

The Andijan Pump Plant is a pump manufacturing facility located in Andijan, Uzbekistan. The company produces a range of pumps, including centrifugal pumps and rotary pumps, for use in various industries. These pumps are designed to handle high-pressure and high-temperature fluids and are made from high-quality materials to ensure durability.