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Pump Factory In Iran

ChinaPumpFactory Pump Factory Iran

Title: List Local Pump Factory and Pump Brands In Iran

As a country with an abundant water supply, Iran has a well-established pump industry. In this article "Pump Factory In Iran", we will explore the local pump factories and prominent pump brands in Iran.伊朗是一个水资源丰富的国家,其泵业发展良好。在这篇文章中,我们将探讨伊朗的本地泵工厂和知名的泵品牌。

1. Local Pump Factories in Iran

Iranian pump industry dates back to the 1950s when the first pump factory, named ''Sadid'' was established in Tehran. Since then, the industry has grown exponentially, and several local pump factories have emerged. Currently, the most prominent local pump factories in Iran include:

1.1. Sadid

Established in 1952, Sadid is the oldest pump manufacturer in Iran. It started as a small workshop with a limited production capacity, but today, it has become a leading company in the Iranian pump market. Sadid is known for its diverse product range, which includes centrifugal pumps, axial pumps, and submersible pumps.伊朗的泵工业可以追溯到20世纪50年代,当时德黑兰建立了第一家泵工厂,名为“Sadid”。自那时以来,该行业迅速发展,伊朗出现了几家本地泵工厂。目前,伊朗最著名的本地泵工厂包括:

1.1. Sadid


1.2. Iran Pump

Iran Pump is another well-known local manufacturer established in 1970. This company is primarily focused on the production of centrifugal pumps, especially for the agricultural sector. Iran Pump has a vast distribution network and is considered a reliable supplier in the Iranian market.伊朗泵业是另一家著名的本地制造商,成立于1970年。该公司主要专注于离心泵的生产,尤其是农业领域。伊朗泵拥有庞大的分销网络,在伊朗市场被认为是一个可靠的供应商。

1.3. Tehran Pumps

Tehran Pumps, established in 1990, is a prominent local manufacturer specializing in the production of submersible pumps. Tehran Pumps has gained a strong reputation in the market for its high-quality products and reliable service.该泵在1990年建立,是一家著名的本地制造商,专门从事潜水泵的生产。德黑兰泵以其高质量的产品和可靠的服务在市场上赢得了良好的声誉。

1.4. Pars Pumps

Pars Pumps is a relatively new player in the Iranian pump market, established in 2005. Despite its short history, Pars Pumps has managed to establish itself as a reputable manufacturer of centrifugal pumps, thanks to its innovative product designs and efficient manufacturing processes.伊朗泵市场的新秀,成立于2005年。尽管历史较短,但凭借其创新的产品设计和高效的制造流程,Pars Pumps已经成为一个值得信赖的离心泵制造商。

1.5. Kowsar Pumps

Kowsar Pumps is another well-established local manufacturer, known for its diverse product range, which includes centrifugal pumps, axial pumps, and submersible pumps. The company has a strong presence in the Iranian market and is recognized for its high-quality products and exceptional customer service.伊朗的另一家著名本地制造商,以其多样化的产品线而闻名,包括离心泵、轴流泵和潜水泵。该公司在伊朗市场拥有强大的影响力,并因其高质量的产品和优质的客户服务而受到认可。

2. Prominent Pump Brands in Iran

Aside from local manufacturers, several international pump brands also have a significant presence in Iran. Some of the most prominent pump brands in Iran include:

2.1. Grundfos

Danish company Grundfos is a leading global pump manufacturer that has been operating in Iran since 1976. Grundfos is known for its innovative and energy-efficient pumps, which are widely used in various applications, including water supply, wastewater treatment, and industrial processes.丹麦公司格兰富是全球领先的泵制造商之一,自1976年以来在伊朗开展业务。格兰富以其创新和节能的泵而闻名,广泛应用于供水、污水处理和工业过程等领域。

2.2. KSB